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A picture of the front of the Advance Academy Building.
Advance Academy

Advance Academy Building 

%22Embrace the outdoors, where learning and adventure collide.%22
"Embrace the outdoors, where learning and adventure collide."
%22Guiding light: the principal's words of wisdom inspire and uplift the school community.%22
"Guiding light: the principal's words of wisdom inspire and uplift the school community."
%22Empowering minds, nurturing hearts: cultivating a positive learning environment for all.%22
"Empowering minds, nurturing hearts: cultivating a positive learning environment for all."
%22Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise.%22- Students working on their laptops
"Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise."
%22Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.%22
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
%22Stay focused, stay dedicated, and watch your dreams become reality.%22
"Stay focused, stay dedicated, and watch your dreams become reality."
%22Personalized learning, individualized support: the essence of one-on-one instruction.%22
"Personalized learning, individualized support: the essence of one-on-one instruction."
%22Unleashing teamwork, igniting the court: the spirit of students on the basketball court.%22
"Unleashing teamwork, igniting the court: the spirit of students on the basketball court."
%22Teamwork makes the dream work.
"Teamwork makes the dream work.
%22Nurturing hearts, shaping futures: WORDS the bond between students and teachers.%22
"Nurturing hearts, shaping futures: WORDS the bond between students and teachers."
%22Determination meets opportunity: middle school students striving to achieve their dreams.%22
"Determination meets opportunity: middle school students striving to achieve their dreams."
%22Empowering minds, embracing diversity: the art of teaching across levels.%22
"Empowering minds, embracing diversity: the art of teaching across levels."
%22Working together, students supporting each other's success.%22
"Working together, students supporting each other's success."

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District News & Events

Latest District News

En-tech Ribbon Cutting picture

Vance County Schools is proud to announce the launch of the EnTech Mobile Lab, an innovative extension of the EnTech Lab located at the Center for Innovation (CFI). The EnTech Lab, dedicated to engineering and technology, provides students with immersive, hands-on experiences in cutting-edge fields such as robotics, drone technology, the Lu Interactive Playground, zSpace augmented reality, and more.

Read More about Vance County Schools’ EnTech Mobile Lab Unveiled
Vance County Schools Remains Committed to Academic Excellence

Vance County Schools remains committed to ensuring that we are supporting students through innovative programming, extensive professional development, and differentiated strategies tailored to meet the unique needs of every learner. The 2023-2024 accountability scores, released by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, have indicated that 14 of our 16  schools in the district met or exceeded growth in math or reading. Additionally, Vance County High School successfully increased its school letter grade. These improvements demonstrate our commitment to nurturing academic excellence in our schools.

Read More about Vance County Schools Remains Committed to Academic Excellence
Educators of Excellence Photo

Vance County Schools honors the 2024 Educators of Excellence: Jozette Broughton  of New Hope Elementary as Teacher of the Year, Khris-Tina Stewart-Hendricks  of Vance County High  as Beginning Teacher of the Year, Facetia Branch of Vance County Middle as Assistant Principal of the Year, and Dr. Nealie Whitt III of Vance County High as Principal of the Year.

Read More about Vance County Schools Honors the 2024 Educators of Excellence

Upcoming Events

Optional Workday: YearRound & Traditional Calendars
all day
District-Wide Fall Festival
VCMS Stadium
Viper Fall Festival (Open to Community)
Vance County High School
Optional Workday: Early Start & Traditional Calendars
all day
Board of Education Meeting
1724 Graham Avenue


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